Reservoir Engineer Requirements:
- Bachelors Degree +
- Professional Engineer a plus
7-10 Years Experience
Flexible here depending on background
Experience with Reserves Software
PHD Win preferred
Aries/ComboCurve/etc OK
Exponential decline of long-life wells/leases
Direct 3rd Party Communications
3rd Party engineers for reserves audit
Negotiate with bank engineers
RBL, Reserves, Forecasts, etc.
A&D Background
Evaluating acquisitions
Building potential cases
Identifying pitfalls
Waterflooding Experience
Infill drilling
Trouble shooting
Conventional Vertical Well Experience
Rod pump and ESP
Shallow (<5,000’ Wellbores)
Shale drilling and massive horizontal development not applicable to our operations
Additional Value
Operational Experience
Workovers, Completions, Drilling, etc